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Photography brings out the artist in me. It has shown me how to utilize simplicity to my advantage by taking everyday, somehwhat boring objects and turning them into art through the lens of a camera. It helps me creativley, when I am feeling like nothing around me strikes interest. I pick up a camera and anything can be considered art if you get the angle right. It is helpful to have photography when stress is consuming me and life sucks. I use it as an escape from the real boring life things, I enter into a world which I can create every detail peice by peice. My own visions can be expressed and I can put a story behind anything. I often let loose and go beyond any creative ability I thought I had and I surprise myself. This feeling beckons me to share what I made with others through a number of sources. So, in conclusion I would find it hard to consider myself an artist until I became aware of the potential I am given to create something beautiful. Sounds a lot like an artist to me. 

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